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Find Me Coffee Blog

5 reasons to make an account on Find Me Coffee

Avatar Posted on: 2012-06-25 12:00 AM

Find Me Coffee works very well when you first come to it. It will try to determine where you are, and then it will show you a nice list of coffee shops and a map of where those shops are. And that’s great.

But you can push things further, if you like, by signing up for a free user account. Let’s take a look at all the reasons to.

  1. It’s easy. You can make an account on Find Me Coffee in no time at all. If you’ve got a Facebook account (and these days who doesn’t) you can use that account to quickly create an account and then sign in whenever you want. Soon we’ll support Google and Twitter single sign-in too.

  2. Keep track of your favourites. When you find a really nice coffee shop and want to remember the address or the phone number, why not add it to your list of favourites? It’s the heart icon located just below the map. When you click on the “My Account” link in the left hand column of the web site, you see the Favorites link, and that’s where all your favorites are.

  3. Submit reviews. If you have an account, you can submit a review of your favorite coffee shop and then share that review on Facebook or any other social media you use. This is a great way to give a boost to that barista that always makes your latte just the way you like it. You can even submit photographs you’ve taken of you and your friends in the coffee shop. Just try to keep it classy – late night coffees after the bars have closed can dull the judgement.

  4. Comment on blog posts. If you don’t like what this blog post has to say, you’ll need to create an account to make thoughts known. The same advice regarding late night visits after the clubs have closed apply.

  5. Add a coffee shop. We’ve added every coffee shop we know of, but we wouldn’t be surprised if we missed a few. We mean, it’s a big world, and things move fast. So do a favor to your fellow coffee lovers and share the places you love best. If you can walk into a place and then walk out again with a cup of coffee in your hands, it qualifies. If you need reservations, it probably doesn’t fit Find Me Coffee.

So there you go. Be engaged! Get off the sidelines! This is coffee we’re talking about, and it matters!

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