Find Me Coffee
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Find Me Coffee Blog

Be sure your date knows where to find you!

Avatar Posted on: 2012-06-25 12:00 AM

Hey, did this ever happen to you? You’ve arranged to meet someone and then you sat waiting for them to arrive. And later, after the tears and recriminations, you discover you and your friend were both waiting, only in different places. D’oh! Has this ever happened on a first date? Double d’oh!

This can be especially troublesome with coffee shops. It’s no good telling someone to meet you at the coffee shop on the corner of Main and Oak if there are coffee shops on all 4 corners. Even if you tell them which coffee chain you mean, some chains have so many locations that there is still lots of opportunity for missed connections and the resulting heart ache.

Find Me Coffee knows your pain, and we’re here to rescue you from certain disaster. If you are looking to meet up with a date, a friend, a business associate, or all three rolled up into one, don’t leave things to chance. Use Find Me Coffee to draw them a map.

Pick the place you want to meet. This is a great time to find that out-of-the-way boutique coffee shop that you think will impress. Type in the street corner and city near where you want to meet, and we’ll show you all the places in the area. Select the shop that looks funky or professional or romantic, depending on your mood and your intentions.

Then, when you’re looking at the details page for that shop, look right below the map. You’ll see a list of icons that allow you to share that coffee shop in many different ways. You can Tweet it, you can post it to Facebook, you can email it, you can pin it in Pinterest, or you can post it to Google+. On the mobile web site, just tap the Share Us button at the bottom center of the screen. The mobile site supports email, Facebook, and Twitter.

Now your friend has a link to the coffee shop listing on Find Me Coffee, and a map and directions to go with it. No mistakes, no missed connections, no broken hearts.

Well, we can’t actually promise no broken hearts. We’re just a directory of coffee shops, after all.

Go get ‘em, tiger!

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