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Coffee Shop Marketing

Avatar Posted on: 2013-08-13 12:00 AM
Coffee shops are some of the most popular small businesses to start.  Many people love the idea of running a small, intimate shop where they spend their days drinking good coffee and engaging in good conversation.  However, like any business coffee shops must have solid marketing plans in order to succeed.  While there are many different avenues for coffee shop marketing, here are some of the most popular and effective ones.
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign
Having good signage is critical for a coffee shop in order to let potential customers know you've arrived.  Using a portable A-frame sign in front of the shop each day will help get the word out to everyone.  For even more effective coffee shop marketing with signs, do some things like:
  • Change the color of the sign
  • Tie balloons on it 
  • Consider getting a neon sign
Making one's sign a focal point of advertising can get people talking and looking forward each day to what's new with it, helping to create a buzz about your biz.
Special Promotions
Reward those customers who are being loyal.  Create loyalty programs giving them a free donut with every 10th cup of coffee purchased, offer free coffee mugs or develop a preferred customer card allowing for special discounts on food and other items.  These promotions will help promote a loyal following for your shop, which will ultimately determine if it stays or goes.
Using the Media
Getting the word out about your business is imperative to coffee shop marketing.  Buy advertising space and time on certain media, including:
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
Use these ads to promote the many benefits of your shop, such as on-site WiFi, live entertainment such as musical acts or comedians, poetry readings and more.  Make your place sound like the place to be, and the customers should start stopping by on a regular basis. For an added benefit, using social media such as Facebook and Twitter can also help spread the word among the locals about your business.
Uniforms and Promotional Items
Having employee uniforms can help get people to recognize your store's colors and logo, and having promotional items with your shop's name and logo on them can also help spread the word.  Items that are great for promoting your shop include:
  • Keychains
  • Mugs
  • Pens and Pencils
  • Coasters
By spending some time and money to get these items, word should spread quickly about the new place in town to get a great cup of coffee and a friendly smile.

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