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Great Coffee, Even Greater Customer Loyalty

Avatar Posted on: 2013-02-16 12:00 AM

Great Coffee, Even Greater Customer Loyalty

It’s always interesting to see how different coffee shops promote their stores. Some spend big bucks on traditional advertising, others do a lot of contests and prizes, and a growing number are going online to seize the benefits of social media. These different methods can be quite useful for getting people to come in coffee shops for the first time, but they’re not necessarily enough to get them to come back... and return again, and again. Find Me Coffee's marketing and deal tools are a a simple and easy way to help drive return business, find new customers and are a great compliment to a well run shop.  

We visit an example of a great shop that has the 'x-factor' people love which keeps them coming back.  CooCoo coffee shop in Vancouver's Yaletown shares some of their their secrets for running a coffee shop with a great customer experience; 

In the hip Yaletown neighbourhood of Vancouver, Coo Coo Coffee knows just how to keep their customers coming back. The coffee shop has been in the neighbourhood for more than 14 years, and it continues to draw in both new and familiar faces.

It definitely helps that the shop itself has a lot of character. In a time when most coffee shops opt for minimalist white or black painted walls with a lot of wooden furniture, Coo Coo stands out with splashes of yellow colour and cuckoo bird designs all around the store. Inspired by their Ferrari Yellow espresso machine, the cheerful yellow colour is carried onto their menu lettering and their humble collection of yellow-bordered National Geographic magazines. The playful decor also adds to the personality of the shop. Come inside Coo Coo on a gloomy rainy day and you’ll suddenly feel a lot more cheerful.

Coo Coo Coffee barista Michael preparing a cup of coffee by Clover

As a bonus, they’re also one of the lucky coffee shops that got their hands on a Clover before this amazing coffee brewing system became exclusive to big “S”. This means every cup of coffee they serve is freshly ground just before brewing, and is put through the Clover for optimal temperature and dosing time.

With the decor and the Clover aside, it’s the importance the shops puts on their relationship with customers that really brings people back. I was able to talk with Mia, one of Coo Coo Coffee’s current operators, about the importance of nurturing customer loyalty. Coo Coo Coffee has been around for more than 14 years in the Yaletown neighbourhood.

How do you think Coo Coo has been able to create strong roots in the area with its customers?

“It’s really about getting to know your customers. We know 80% of the people that come in, to the point where we greet each other by name and we know what drinks they would get and exactly how they want it. Coo Coo is more than just a coffee shop; it’s a community in Yaletown. We see the people from the businesses and the residential buildings gathering here every day. Of course, with life, people move on to different areas, different cities, different countries, and it’s sad to see them go, but it’s also good to meet the new people that come in to the neighbourhood.”

How does being an independent coffee shop with a single location work to the advantage of Coo Coo Coffee?

“I think people that love coffee enjoy visiting “independents.” Independent coffee shops take care of people and can really give them a one-on-one service. It’s this type of service that lets us really get to know our customers and learn how to make their drinks exactly how they want it. Without them saying anything, we can make our regular customers’ lattes less or more foamy depending on their preference. With independents, it’s also a good thing that the owners are there, so they can actually talk and interact with the people that go to their store.”

What are some ways coffee shops can create loyalty and genuine relationships with its customers?

“It’s definitely about providing them with a personal service and getting to know them. Besides preparing great drinks for them the way they want it, try to call each other by name and really get to know who they are, you know, what they do, how their latest vacations was.”

What advice can you give to individuals who are planning to open up their own coffee shop?

“There will be lots of challenges when you’re starting out and lots of learning to be done, but it’s what makes things exciting. If you like meeting people and you’re always smiling, then you should go for it. Personality has a lot to do with running a coffee shop, you have to be a likeable person and you need to have fun while working. There will always be ups and downs, but loyal customers will be there for you.”

When coffee shops treat customers more as friends, everyone benefits. It becomes much easier for the people to come back in the shop. Customers have a more pleasant experience when getting their drinks, and the owners and baristas have more fun working. Thanks to Mia and Coo Coo Coffee for an enlightening chat and a wonderful cup of dark roast via Clover!

What are some of your coffee shop experiences when baristas/owners made the extra effort to get to know you? Let us know in the comments below!

Meet Our Guest Blogger - Gerald Cruz
Gerald is a former barista and a full time coffee enthusiast with a  background in marketing and events. When not visiting the wonderful  selection of coffee shops in the beautiful city of Vancouver, he  constantly upgrades his knowledge about coffee: be it about beans,  preparation, cool coffee equipment, and latte art designs. Besides a love for coffee, he also has a fervent appreciation for fashion, and is a firm believer that the two go hand in hand.

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