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How much do you know about coffee

Avatar Posted on: 2013-08-09 12:00 AM
How Much Do You Know about Coffee? Trivia Quiz for the Coffee Guru.

Trivia Questions

1. Who first discovered coffee?
2. What are some health benefits associated with coffee?
3. Who invented instant coffee?
4. How many cups of coffee is Voltaire reported to have drunk each day?
5. Turkey used to have a divorce law regarding coffee. What did this law stipulate?
6. Who wrote an opera about a woman addicted to coffee?
7. What is the etymology of coffee?
8. When did coffee become popular in the United States?
9. How much coffee did Teddy Roosevelt drink per day?
10. Do lighter or darker coffee beans have less caffeine?
11. What spice do Moroccans often add to their coffee?
12. Which has less caffeine: espresso or regular coffee?
13. How much coffee did American soldiers receive in their food rations at the beginning of the Civil War?
14. What were coffee houses first called in Constantinople?
15. Who brought coffee to India in the 1600s?
16. How many coffee beans did Beethoven regularly use when brewing a cup of coffee?
17. How much money did Louis XV spend each year on coffee for his family?
18. When coffee ran short in the Civil War, what did people use as a substitute?
19. How was coffee first consumed?
20. Where can coffee grow?
21. The king banned coffee houses in England in 1675. Why?
22. How many coffee beans do you need for 1 kg of roasted coffee?
23. How high do coffee trees grow?
24. Where did the term cappuccino come from?


1. While there are no written records of coffee until the 13th century, coffee is believed to have been discovered as early as the 9th century by Kaldi, an Ethiopian goatherd, who noticed his goats behaving differently than usual after eating from a new plant, now commonly called the coffee tree.

2. Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, dementia and neurodegenerative disorders; protects the cardiovascular system; contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, potassium and manganese; helps burn fat by increasing metabolic rates and mobilizing fatty acids.

3. George Washington. No – not the American president, but a Belgian also named George Washington.

4. 50

5. A woman had the right to a divorce if her husband if he didn’t provide her with enough fresh coffee.

6. Bach

7. The word “coffee” comes from the Arabic phrase qahhwat al-bun, or “wine of the bean”.

8. 1700s

9. 1 gallon

10. Lighter coffee beans have a higher level of caffeine than darker coffee beans.

11. Moroccans add peppercorns to their coffee; other Arabians often drink their coffee with spices such as cardamom or ginger.

12. Espresso has 33% less caffeine than regular coffee.

13. Soldiers were given the choice between 8 pounds of roasted coffee or 10 pounds of green coffee beans.

14. Schools of wisdom

15. The Dutch

16. 60

17. Approximately $15,000

18. A brew from roasted sweet potatoes.

19. Beans were rolled in fat and eaten to boost energy levels.

20. All coffee grows between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

21. The king claimed that the coffee houses were used for meetings conspiring against him.

22. 4,000-5,000

23. Coffee trees naturally grow to about 30 feet, but are usually conditioned to grow about 10 feet for convenience.

24. Cappuccino was named after the Capuchins, an order of friars. The color of cappuccino resembles the color of the Capuchins’ habit.
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