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How to make cold brew coffee at home

Avatar Posted on: 2016-03-28 3:54 PM
Spring is here and we’re going to be looking at iced coffee’s as a refreshing beverage to quench our thirst while giving that needed afternoon boost. Yes, I said quench your thirst. Contrary to popular belief coffee doesn’t dehydrate you.  Well, it's easy to consume when you're on the run, it's higher in caffeine and, unlike the super sugary iced coffee drinks of yesteryear. It's actually delicious. We spoke to some local baristas a created a recipe that seems to work all the time regardless of skill.
What is cold brew coffee?
Absolutely not the stuff Britney Spears used to roam around LA with, with the domed lid and the whipped cream on top. No, this stuff isn't the sugar, syrupy stuff we associate with iced coffee. Instead, cold brew coffee is a cold coffee that is 'less acidic, less bitter and naturally sweeter' than it's hot counterpart. It's low calorie and, most importantly, has zero sugar.
Can you brew cold brew coffee at home?
Here's a recipe on how to make some...
What you need
2 containers (1 liter or larger), A bowl will do the trick for soaking the coffee, a pitcher with a flat top will work better for the second.
1 Sieve or pour over hot coffee filter
1 Paper Filter, cafeteria-style paper filter coffee type works best. Or any paper coffee filter. (check out your local dollar store here. These aren’t fancy coffee filters. The cheap ones work better.)
1 Measuring jug
Coarsely ground coffee for a mild taste, regular grind but it will be stronger tasting over the same period of brewing. The fresher the grind the better. Filtered water is best or tap water
What to do:
1. Measure out 85g of coffee grind and pour into container
2. Measure out 1 liter of water into jug and pour contents into the bowl, a Tupperware container with a lid will prevent you from staining the inside of your refrigerator.
3. Give it a stir to ensure the coffee grind is evenly spread and there are no dry coffee clumps.
4. Cover or place the tupperware in the fridge.
5. Leave to steep for 17 hours. If it is too strong or weak. The next time you do it, increase the brew time to increase the strength, or decrease the brew time to make it weaker. Anywhere between 12 - 24 hours produces varying flavor profiles, acidity, tannins and caffeine strength.
6. 10 minutes before the end of steeping period - Place paper filter into sieve.
7. Once steeping period is over - Pour contents of coffee and water through the sieve with filter. Being careful not to over pour. This is where a pour over coffee filter helps. If you aren’t in a hurry double the filters it will make a smoother and less gritty blend.
8. Clean out the old container and repeat last step as many times as you want for greater clarity.


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