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Looking for the worlds's green-ist coffee shop

Avatar Posted on: 2016-05-06 10:23 AM
This isn't a contest but it is bragging rights.  
If you read our blog you know that we are focused on promoting sustainability in the coffee industry.

What we're looking for is to find out from your our readers the most sustainable coffee shops in the world.

We are looking for innovative ways that coffee shops make their business' have a smaller environmental foot prints.

  • Consider how they manage water usage?
  • Do you or a coffee shop you know make extensive use of recycled materials?
  • Does the coffee shop your suggesting compost or make use of its waste coffee ground?
  • Are they a great community partner providing a social conscience to those who visit?
  • With all of the alternative power sources available are they using green electricity or even making electricity through solar panels or wind turbines?
  • Do they have a unique take on sustainability that you'd like to share?

For those of your who'd like to nominate the greenist coffee shop in the world send your submissions with a short blurb on why you are nominating them to

Expected announcement will be in September 2016.


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