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Pascal Press Kickstarter Campaign

Avatar Posted on: 2016-06-22 1:31 PM

A little background the Pascal Press is a reusable coffee maker/French press/stylish traveller.  Got it. Add the grounds, pour in the boiling water and press down on the stainless steel plunger. The messy grounds are forced into an easily extracted coffee puck perfect for composting or recycling, while the hot fresh coffee is kept at the perfect temperature for consumption by the coffee lover on the move.
I had an opportunity to interview Alan Kalbfleisch in his laboratory on the campus of the University of Western Ontario. Yes, I said laboratory. 
“Don’t we have enough ways to make coffee?” I asked.
“Sure we do.” Responded Alan. “But they all have limitations and as an engineer I felt that I could do a better job.” Alan went on to explain that the challenges that he went on to solve were that he wanted to optimize from an engineering process the rate of flow of water over the coffee grounds to create a consistent and ideal end cup of coffee. So by experimenting and analyzing the variables and the design of the container he created what he feels is an ideal cup of coffee with minimal effort in a handy to use container.
What stage is the product in?
The product is in Working Prototype with parts manufacturing ready to go. The product is made from a low reactive BPA free plastic that is light and durable and that won’t react with the hot liquids to give the coffee a less than perfect taste. Some travellers are made with inexpensive reactive plastic that can leave a foul chemical aftertaste.
How do I get one?

Right now customers can visit the kickstarter campaign to order one. They are selling for about $45 on the site but interested people should order quickly to get one of the first run products.
More information.  – visit the kickstarter page.

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