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Red Starbucks Cup

Avatar Posted on: 2015-11-09 5:48 PM
If you haven't been to "Starbucks" recently you might not have noticed that the traditional seasonal cup has changed. In past years it has always reflected the "Christmas" spirit. This year it seems that it is simple a red cup with the Startbucks logo.   Now if you've been living under a rock you might not know that there has been a huge backlash against SB from sectors that claim that the coffee giant is caving in to Islamic pressures for fear of having a "Christmas" Starbucks terroriized. "Those darn non-Christians are at it again." some might be claiming with their cries against the cancellation of their traditional snow flake embossed cup. I am of two minds on the issue.

I am dissappointed at the loss of another Christmas symbol partly because I'm a Christmas junky and can't get enough symbolism from major brands that inspire us to embrace the season. Christmas spirit is part and parcel of the symbolism that surrounds us. I can accept the shameless marketing of products so long as it's tasteful and promoting the season in general.  On the other hand...

As our Western society becomes more and more inclusive, some of the aggressive marketing tactics of some of the major marketing brands has become a bit exclusionary. Non-JudeoChristians often feel alienated by the constant barrage of Festive Seasonal Advertising and those that I know very well who have small children feel their beliefs under attack by our need to shower our children with so many gifts. (I'm as guilty as the next guy of spoiling my children at Christmas.)

I have to commend Starbucks on taking this middle ground. The red cup in my opinion expresses the season without excluding those who are not partaking. It is a great inclusive gesture that in my opinon promotes the spirit of giving and togetherness that transcends each religions individual tennants and combines their common tennants of sharing, togetherness and peace.

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