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Seasons Greetings from find me coffee

Avatar Posted on: 2015-12-22 3:24 PM
From everyone here at Find Me Coffee we wish you all happy holidays and we look forward on bringing you great service in 2016.

Well our third Christmas is upon us and it’s been a wonderful ride. We’ve been fortunate enough to get to know many more of you this year. At this time of year I’d like to extend our sustainability message.  For those of you who read my blog I’m sure you know how I feel about disposable coffee pods. I did a little math and I’d like to share with you one tiny little fact.  If you were to compare the cost of a pound of  hand roasted direct trade organic coffee to the equivalent servings from a disposable pod you would discover that you would not only be saving money  with the fresh beans you’d have a much more fulfilling experience. The coffee is better tasting and you’re enriching the lives of small crop growers from around the world.  I'd like you to think about all of the waste from that pod your considering using.
If there is one request that I have of my readers is to share a pound or a cup of good coffee with someone who uses disposable pods. You’ll be doing them and the world a favor.  So on behalf of your local small batch coffee roaster I’d like to wish you a merry festive season whatever your beliefs.
There is my sermon. I hope I’m not being too preachy.
We look forward to serving you in 2016. We have a lot of new stuff coming!
Ray Williamson and the Team
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