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Snake Thrown Over the Counter at Coffee Shop

Avatar Posted on: 2015-01-18 12:00 AM

Video associated with an unusual incident at a Saskatoon Tim Hortons last month, where a snake was tossed over the counter, has surfaced on social media.

The video was posted to an account of one the people who was later charged by police

The incident, according to police, involved a question about onions on a breakfast sandwich. On the posted video it appears that someone reached into another person's pocket, took out a live garter snake and threw it behind the counter.

Seconds later a scream is heard.

No one was hurt and the snake, which ended up with police, was also uninjured and police said it was given a new home and would be released to the wild in the spring.

The incident happened Dec. 8 around 7:30 a.m. CST at a Tim Hortons in Saskatoon.

Police investigated and laid charges of mischief and causing a disturbance.

Luke Apooch and Christopher Cook, both 20, are before the courts. Both appeared Monday to be formally charged, and will be returning in February.

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Comment Date: January 23, 2015
Timmie rage ?

Perhaps the culprit who threw the snake didn't have his coffee for the day? Totally uncalled for, I salute all the fine people who serve us our coffee and donuts. Treat people as you would want to be treated!
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