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So you want to open a coffee shop

Avatar Posted on: 2013-08-06 12:00 AM

A list of some of the most important things you`ll need

Starting a new business venture can be exciting and a great way to create a place for people to come and enjoy coffee and the coffee shop atmosphere. Everyone knows that a lot of planning goes into starting any business, but getting a coffee shop ready means looking into a variety of supplies and finding out exactly what items are needed and how much they are going to cost. By coming up with a list of items needed and a budget, business owners can take the next step to making their dreams come true.

Coffee   The Central Focus

It seems obvious that a coffee shop is going to serve coffee but the type of coffee as well as the amount of coffee depends on the owner and his or her goals. Some shops only look to serve small quantities of gourmet coffee for those with a more distinguished palate. Other shops are just looking to produce large amounts of regular coffee for guests to enjoy. Each venture will require different equipment. Some shops need an instant cappuccino machine while others will need hand presses. Others will need blenders and the like to serve blended coffee drinks infused with other flavors. The best way to determine the type of coffee equipment needed is to determine what type of coffee will be served and how many versions of the coffee (iced, blended, hot etc.) will be served. From there, the list can be made.

Just Coffee?

Most shops don`t just offer their customers coffee. They like to have a variety of snacks, treats and sweets to go along with the drinks. After looking at the potential menu, owners can work backwards and decide what type of equipment they will need to produce these foods, if they are going to be made by hand on site. The other option is to look for a service that will provide premade items to sell inside the coffee shop. Most people find that while it does cost more of an investment up front to purchase the equipment needed to bake items on site, the amount of money made on these foods will be considerably higher than ordering from a service. When making items in the kitchen on site, ovens, mixers and other similar products will be necessary. If lots of treats are going to be served, it isn`t unusual to need several of each item to keep the baking constant throughout the day.

Food and Drink Service Must Haves

Even with the type of coffee and treats arranged, there are still things that any coffee shop will need before opening the doors. An icemaker is a must, even if a shop isn`t planning on serving blended drinks. Guests will probably want a glass of water occasionally and iced coffee can`t be made without ice. A refrigerator is necessary to keep items like milk cold. I addition to all the food service items, some type of register, a time clock and even a security system may also need to be considered. Because each shop is different, there is no one perfect lis that will work for every location.

Obtaining the Funds

After determining the list of items needed to open a coffee shop, it is time to start coming up with a cost for each one. This will help a person decide how much money he or she will need to open the doors. Starting out looking at sites like Rangemaster here will give a potential coffee shop owner an idea of how much money will be spent on equipment. Once the other costs are added in, this figure will work to help a person start seeking out funding for the endeavor.

Check out our Product Pages for More Suggestions on Equipment and Products for Your New Shop.


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