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Something New from Guest Blogger Gerald Cruz

Avatar Posted on: 2013-01-27 12:00 AM

Meet Our Guest Blogger 
Gerald Cruz
Gerald is a former barista and a full time coffee enthusiast with a  background in marketing and events.

When not visiting the wonderful  selection of coffee shops in the beautiful city of Vancouver, he  constantly upgrades his knowledge about coffee: be it about beans,  preparation, cool coffee equipment, and latte art designs. 

Besides a love for coffee, he also has a fervent appreciation for fashion, and is a firm believer that the two go hand in hand.

Something New

Something New
Coffee is adventure. Every shop, every barista, every brew, every cup will result in a unique tasting concoction each time. Some are so mindblowingly delicious that you would get another cup while ignoring the message your brain is telling you about the caffeine-rush that is sure to follow (or not, if you’re the type with high caffeine tolerance). Others on the other hand… well, it’s a hit and miss! This is probably why coffee lovers are so eager to try different coffee shops and the different drinks within each shop.

But what about when you’re not outside finding and trying new coffee shops all over the city (maybe the world, if you have the means), what go-to coffee beans do you have carefully stored in your kitchen cupboard? While you probably have one or two favorite beans from your most trusted roaster that are regulars in your coffee line-up, surely you try out new beans every now and then. After all, your now favorite beans were once mysterious bags of coffee that were unknown to your palate.

The cool coffee aficionados at Cool Material found 13 unique coffees that should be next on your “To Try” list. These coffees aren’t just your classic light, medium, or dark roasts, these beans deserve a closer look!

There’s one on the list called Death Wish Coffee  which has a dark, rich flavor and is supposedly the most caffeinated coffee you can get, period. Others on the list include chipotle flavored coffee, Costa Rican bat coffee, Thai civet coffee, and Maple Bacon Morning coffee. Now before you think that some of the coffees sound too unique to try,just remember, coffee is adventure.

What are some of the most unique sounding/tasting coffees you’ve tried?

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