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Themed Coffee Shops

Avatar Posted on: 2016-05-05 11:30 AM
Bikini or costume Coffee shops
Most popular on the West Coast of the USA small coffee shops that feature pretty girls dressed in bikinis and lingerie are popping up everywhere. These shops are typically drive through and you pay a premium for the coffee but from reviews the coffee and service is excellent.  If you’re looking to find one visit or get their app in the app store.
Dog Café
While cat cafés have been in the public eye for a long time—starting in Taipei in the late ’90s and more recently spreading to Canada—a new trend is sprouting legs in South Korea, which may interest those on the other side of the dog-cat divide.
On the face of it, dog cafés make a lot more sense. If you’re going to pay to interact with animals, would you rather be in a room full of independent, human-hating cats or surrounded by man’s best friend?
Cat Café

We begin with a café that has been quickly gaining notoriety in Canada celebrating our furry feline friends. This trend first popped up in Montreal with the opening of Le café des Chats in 2014 and has since taken off in Toronto, Ont. and Vancouver, B.C. for those who enjoy a side of purr with their latte. Cats are adopted by the café and provided with a safe space to be cuddled and petted at their leisure. A stress reliever for both parties indeed.
Death Cafés

While the name sounds creepy, Death Cafés are not what you may be picturing. There is no death metal music playing while goth kids sip black coffee ironically. No, Death Cafés are quite the opposite. They began as a means to be a safe space where judgment-free discussions about death and dying could occur over cake and coffee. The objective is “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.” Whether mourning the loss of a loved one, or pure curiosity sparks your interest, all are welcome to attend and talk death. While this is not a café per se in that there is no one physical location, the discussion groups have been setting up shop across Canada’s cafés for an evening of death chat, coffee and a few nibbles. If the morbidity entices you, visit for an upcoming date near you.
Board Game Café
Have you ever taken a gulp of coffee, sat back and thought “this would taste so much better with a little competition?” Well you’re in luck. Board game cafés have become a popular place to meet and chat over a game of Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders or any of an array of games available. With locations in several cities spanning from the east coast to the west coast, this is a cozy way to do something different on date night, or hang out with friends. Many places are known to hold tournaments for the true gamers who want to roll up their sleeves, grab a muffin and play to win.
Bike Café
Biking requires human fuel, so what better café concept could there be than a one-stop shop where you can get your bike serviced and enjoy a hot chai? The ever-outdoorsy Vancouver, B.C. seems to be the bike café epicentre and a great place to stop before setting off to bicycle the seawall. Maintain yourself and your bike with a selection of treats for both in this one-stop café shop.
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