Find Me Coffee
Coffee Shops and Cafes
Coffee Blogs
for your reading pleasure
Results 581 - 590 of 606

We wish all our coffee friends & their families a joyous and happy holidays !
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Find Me Coffee, a coffee shop locator and coffee deals site have teamed up with Take Five Cafe to offer 100 FREE coffees this holiday season.
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These are some interesting feeds we've discovered. What are some of your favourites? Tell us here or on Twitter @findmecoffee
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The Find Me Coffee November Newsletter Issue #2 is out today.
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You love your coffee and you drink plenty of cups a day. And you are wondering - is coffee healthy ? Well the good news is - coffee has many health benefits and we have 10 to share with you.
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Our deals and offer engine for coffee shops is live and we are happy to see our first deal roll out this month at Pinocchios Cafe in Texas!
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AppWatch, a Segment of NewsWatch, Featured Find Me Coffee, a New Mobile App by Grexen Software, on its National Television Show.
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Coffee shop owners, how can you put Find Me Coffee to work for you? Here is the top 10 ways Find Me Coffee can help!
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Our coffee world is certainly engaged online and there are tons of great Coffee Facebook Pages out there. We scoured Facebook to select 10 that we thought you might like to visit…but we got a bit carried away…so there is 15 !
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We love to be engaged with our coffee world and coffee lovers. Blogs are an important place to find out about all things coffee and to chat with our coffee friends. So to that end we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Top 10 Coffee Blogs.
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Results 581 - 590 of 606